Nellbells Fitness Logo and Nellie standing next to it

Unlock your full potential with activities focused on the body, mind, and soul

Meet Nellie Barnett, the force behind Nellbells Fitness, an online coach, model, and content creator, who brings a unique blend of expertise with over a decade of experience in corporate communications. In the last three years, she's taken the fitness industry by storm, redefining wellness with a vision that goes beyond physicality.
Nellbells Fitness is about more than just workouts; it's a holistic journey to help women tap into their full potential and embrace a lifestyle that fosters “irie living,” a term in Patois that signifies harmony and goodness of life.
With Nellbells Fitness, Nellie is on a mission to empower women worldwide, providing a space where they can not only achieve their fitness goals but also cultivate a sense of well-being that transcends the gym.